Environmental Monitoring & Adaptive Management
Gathering the Right Information to Address Project Needs
The field of environmental assessment and monitoring is very broad, driven by a myriad of regulatory requirements and environmental management goals. Azimuth provides a range of services from routine to complex programs, in both aquatic and terrestrial settings. Routine monitoring programs include chemistry sampling (water, sediment, tissues), toxicity testing, community surveys of invertebrates and other receptor groups, and surveys of fish health and populations.
More complex programs may have sophisticated designs (e.g., before-after-control-impact) to differentiate natural variability from project-related impacts, while others are focused on particularly challenging contaminants such as mercury. Some of our complex programs also use novel monitoring methods and technologies to meet project needs, such as seabed image and mapping systems (SIMS), aerial photo surveys, long-term instrument deployment, sediment coring and profiling, pore water analysis, contaminant modeling and bioavailability assessments.
Related Azimuth Projects

Applications for our monitoring services include:
- Design and implementation of AEMPs (Aquatic Effects Monitoring Programs)
- Design and implementation of federal EEM (Environmental Effects Monitoring) programs
- Design and implementation of adaptive management plans
- Development of site-specific thresholds and triggers for water, sediment or tissues as part of adaptive management plans and trigger response plans
Our projects reflect the range of our diverse consulting services. We work in the fields of Risk Assessment, Environmental Monitoring & Adaptive Management, Environmental Assessment & Permitting, and Communication and Facilitation. Contact us to discuss your project needs.
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