Environmental Assessment & Permitting

Resolving the Issues That Matter for Project Planning and Implementation

Decisions regarding new and ongoing development projects require rigorous but focused assessment of key issues. Potential impacts of contaminants are a key concern of regulators, communities and decision-makers. Azimuth addresses these concerns as part of Environmental Assessments for proposed projects, and to support permitting decisions for new and ongoing projects.

Azimuth’s expertise includes:

Baseline studies of water quality, sediment quality, biological tissues, toxicity, benthic invertebrates, periphyton, phytoplankton & zooplankton, fish health and fish populations.

Site-specific discharge limits, water quality objectives, and science-based environmental benchmarks.

Study designs for monitoring programs.

Fish population assessments and development of no net loss plans.

Predictive risk assessment for aquatic systems, wildlife, and human health.