Norm Healey is a Board-Certified Toxicologist with more than 25 years experience in human health and ecological risk assessment, both as a practitioner and as a regulator. Norm has designed and led detailed quantitative terrestrial and aquatic risk assessments in support of the management of harbours, ports, mines and other contaminated sites and has successfully used risk assessment to help clients obtain regulatory instruments under the BC Contaminated Sites Regulations.
Norm has conducted toxicological evaluations of metals and veterinary pharmaceuticals in support of regulatory risk assessments. He applied his knowledge of toxicology and exposure assessment to the development of Health Canada guidance on human health risk assessment on the subjects of subchronic exposure to metals, cancer risk assessment, and contaminated fish. Norm contributed to Canadian soil and drinking water quality guidelines, was a co-author of updated national guidance on blood lead testing and interpretation, authored a comprehensive toxicological review of lead for Health Canada, and represented Health Canada on the World Health Organization Working Group on Lead and Children’s Health.
Norm has authored or co-authored over 35 peer-reviewed papers or conference presentations on toxicology and risk assessment and served as an expert referee for Health Canada, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment, and several academic journals, including the Journal of Risk Analysis and Science of the Total Environment. Norm earned his Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology in 2008 and is an active member of the Society of Toxicology.
You will find Norm cycling around and running across the Saanich Peninsula in his spare time.